TYPE: Regional Planning
LOCATION: Nagarparkar, Pakistan
YEAR: 2010
ARCHITECTS: Hasan & Polack
CLIENT: Thardeep Rural Development Project (TRDP)
STATUS: Completed
After building of the road from Mithi to Nagarparkar, Thardeep Rural Development Project (TRDP) noticed that a very large number of people started visiting Nagarparkar’s built-heritage sites and scenic spots, especially after the rains. There was also a marked increase in the number of people attending religious festivals and melas. Over the long weekend of August 14, 2008, over 35,000 persons visited the area. TRDP was concerned regarding this increase because, in the absence of proper planning for tourism-related infrastructure, it could have serious adverse physical and social repercussions on the Taluka. At the same time, this influx of tourists and pilgrims to religious sites could benefit the economy of the area and hence its people as well.
As a result of the concerns and a desire to tap the potential of tourism for the local population, the TRDP decided to develop the Kasbo Village as a tourist destination and resort with community involvement and management along with building a tourist information and residential area on a plot of land it has purchased in Nagarparkar.