Sadiq & Polack


2004 - 2007
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TYPE: Research/Urban Design
LOCATION: Karachi, Pakistan
YEAR: 2004 – 2007
SIZE: 17 km
ARCHITECTS: The Architects Polack on behalf of NEDUET, the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (Belgium), Technishe Universiteit of Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Department of Architecture and Planning, Moratowa University (Sri Lanka) and Center for Environmental Planning and Technology, (India).
CLIENT: Asia Link – European Commission
STATUS: Design Study Realized

The Urban Design investigation of the development of the river beds and banks along the Lyari Naddi and Orangi Naala, incorporating local formal and informal activities, stakeholders and natural terrain.

This was a study project done with the students of Tue Eindhoven, Netherlands
The two urban design projects were carried out in parallel and both aimed to develop a new public space with the integration of alternative water filtration techniques, productive agricultural and livestock landscapes in the partially dry riverbeds and banks. The aim was to integrate existing informal economic activities as efficiently as possible.