TYPE: Urban Design/ Stakeholders Participation
LOCATION: Brussels, Belgium
YEAR: 2018
ARCHITECTS: Ar.Asiya Sadiq Polack
COLLABORATORS: Faculty of Architecture – KULeuven Municipality of Schaerbeek NGO- De Schakel ISFSC-Schaerbeek
STATUS: Completed
This research is the result of Architects, Urban Planners, Students and Municipality all working closely together to study an urban landscape that embodies contradictions and challenges of contemporary communes.
Since there might have been Linguistic issues the interesting fact was that the architect & the teacher at KU Leuven, Drs. Asiya Sadiq became a bridge between the Municipality (French) & The Faculty (Dutch) and brought everyone together on one platform with one medium (English).
Like any other capital city, Brussels carries the rich and the poor, the educated and the less educated, the resident and the migrant, the inhabitant and the passerby. The current collective spaces in the poorer areas near Place Liedts are currently made vibrant by an interface of formal and informal uses and contribute to the economic and social life of the communities but do not always match other local socio-cultural habits or visions of cohabitation. The diverse and transforming nature of place Liedts and environs was put forward. A co-constructing relationship with the Schaerbeek commune and other stakeholders was inspired to develop strategies for future developments that are appropriate, innovative and geared towards safeguarding the informal and formal assets of the area.